Monday, September 4, 2023

How To Become Rich As A Programmer


            In this article we will talk about how to become a millionaire as a programmer or software engineer. Programmer is a profession that has to build and solve programmatic problems in an application, for who want to become a programmer or software engineer we must mastering at least one programming language and any related technology that help us to build an application, but if you have more than mastering one programming language, you have more value as a better programmer.

How much programmer salary?
Next we will talk about programmer salary, if you compare programmer salary with other regular job salary, programmer has enough satisfying salary, in Indonesia for junior programmer we can earn an average salary about $200 dollar per moth or 3.000.000 Rupiah, but that is depending on what company we working with, what graduates we has, and where is the company location, if you life in Jakarta, Indonesia you can earn an average salary up to $400 or 6.000.000 Rupiah, but if you life in America you can earn about  $50.000 to $80.000 per year,  isn't that amazing? It doesn't stop there, if you have any exsperiences and mastering more programming technology you can earn up to billions of rupiah  or  hundreds of thousands dollar per year, but again, how capable are you of working more and where and what company you working with because high salary depend on what and where is your company working with and how much application project that you take.

How to become a millionare as a programmer?
Firstly that we have to understand when we start a carer as a programmer, we can't earn money as we expected yet, we must consider our first work as a way to learn more and the more time goes by and our skills are upgraded we can expect more income, as my experiences I can earn more money more than double of my first income in about 1,5 year later in Indonesia, but I can get more money because of freelance project that I take, honestly I just a high school graduate, if you have a bachelor degree in theory you can earn salary more than a high school graduate, but that is depend on what and where your company working with and how much your skills, your experiences, and performances, if you have a title as a senior programmer in America you can earn about $80.000 up to $160.000 per year and in Indonesia you can earn about 7.000.000 Rupiah up to 15.000.000 Rupiah, summary we can earn more salary as a programmer when we have title as senior programmer and work in big company that can give you more salary, 

How to boost you to be a millionaire as a programmer?
Earn salary per month or per year cannot bring you as a millionaire quickly, except you work in huge International company like Google and Amazon, but if you still work in small company you can earn more income from freelance application project that you take, every application projects has variable prices even up to hundreds of thousands of dollars depend on what project you take and who is giving you the application project, if you have enough spirit and power you can take 2 or 3 project at a time out from your office work, but for the consequences, you have to understand how to manage your time and realize that it will use up a lot of your energy.

If you want to be a millionare as a programmer the way that you can take is get a bachelor degree in IT, work in huge International company, have enough skills and experiences, take freelances application project, and work at company in developed country, but one thing that we have to understand if that is not easy but but still possible if we have enough spirit and still struggle until we become a millionaire as a programmer.

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